Who is Sebastiano

26 Years Old, Italian, follower of the analytical philosophy. Football, Esport, Art enthusiast.

“There is no ‘proof in general’. The word ‘proof’ changes its meaning just like the word ‘chess’. With the word ‘chess’ we can mean the game that is defined by the current rules or the game that has been played in past centuries with always different rules.”

[Ludwig Wittgenstein]

Sebastiano is an ethical, rational, logical person. If we wanted to dwell on the meanings of the three adjectives, I think the description could end here. However, good use has it that more details are introduced, so I proceed with the coloring of the track.
I am from Pescara, Italy, and I followed an educational path standardized to common knowledge, having obtained the Diploma in a scientific high school and started a University path immediately after at the University of Chieti, in the Faculty of Philosophy, not concluded for personal reasons: change is not a taboo.
I attempted an experience abroad in Stockholm, which also ended prematurely, due to Covid-19.
Back in Italy, after the negative period of Lockdown, I start a wonderful collaboration with Novara Calcio, an Italian professional team of great historical importance, for the opening and launch of their Esports sector.
In 2022, in February, I resumed studying in the Faculty of Sport Science related football in Rome, patronized by the Italian Football Federation: the goal is to have everything you need to start working in the sector that I am most passionate about, that is the football one.
After the historical-descriptive part, let’s get to the point: why Match Analyst? But above all, why not? From an early age I had a critical eye in understanding the game, rather than seeing it. I remember when I was nine and there was the world semifinal between Italy and Germany where I asked my father why Italy, from time to time, played the ball “in the air” instead of passing it to the near player, or when, in a local match I was watching, I asked the meaning of the “line of four players in front of the goalkeeper”.
The hilarity of this analytical coherence is supported by other episodes, temporarily disconnected from each other, which bring me back into full dialectical diatribes during the training matches in the first period of the football where I was often busy suggesting certain movements to my teammates.
Coherence that, up to now, has been held in high esteem and finally rewarded, having obtained a certificate as a Tactical Video Analyst provided by SICS, after an intense course and an equally important exam.
My greatest desire is to be able to work in a football club as an analyst and my ambition knows that I will probably succeed: while waiting for this to happen, welcome to my portfolio.

Mail: sebastiano_ma@icloud.com

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